Friday, April 11, 2008

i'm back

sorry for the lack of updates lately. i have an obsessive personality and i think I got kind of obsessed with blogging for a little while. not too much has been going on lately. i accepted my new job yesterday, got pulled over going 42 in a school zone (obv got a ticket, been pulled over ~5 times, ticket every time), surgery is tuesday at 5:30a, i'm moving back home this weekend, softball started monday and i didn't play, got tickets for John Mayer in indy the weekend of july 4 (7 rows back!!), "won a trip" to vegas, and the master's are on tv. that's a rly long sentence. anyway, i love the masters, such a pretty golf course, really looks amazing especially in hd.. so i'm going to go watch that instead of enabling you stalkers.

have a good day!