Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I should preface this post by saying that I don't pay much attention to politics and, for the most part, I find them boring. So take the following for what it's worth... Anyway, I don't understand how people can still be supportive of George W. Bush, or the republican party for that matter. The war in Iraq has seemingly divided the country in half. That's nothing new though, we've been in Iraq since when, 2003? So for the past 5 years the country has been split in half and the only defense Bush supporters had was that the economy was in good shape. Yeah, how's that working out lately? I just don't get it. Politics bore me, but with 2008 being an election year, its near impossible to not be overwhelmed with news stories about politics and the countless campaign ads on TV. Soooo I figured I'd throw in my $.02 since I have this blog thing to do just that.

btw, i voted yesterday for the first time. i can't really figure out why i was compelled to vote in the primary, but didn't bother voting in november or in any of past year's elections. whatever, i finally did it and i plan on continuing to do so, although hopefully i'll be a more informed voter on more races the next go round. other than obama, the only other thing i cast a vote for was the princeton school levy. that district needs all the help it can get. go vikes.

p.s.. apparently by casting my vote for obama i'm no longer welcome in my father's house.

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