Friday, March 7, 2008


disappointing episode last night. then again, after "the constant" last week, most episodes would be disappointing. still, a disappointing episode of LOST > most other TV shows. i'm spoiled, i guess.

i've been re-watching the older episodes while kevin catches up and i found this exchange in season 2 kind of funny:
SAYID: Radio waves at this frequency bounce off the ionosphere. They can travel thousands of miles. It could be coming from anywhere.
HURLEY: Or, anytime. Just kidding, dude.
dun dun dunhhhh... that's the beauty of this show, the whole story has already been written. it's fun to go back and re watch the earlier seasons and pick up on the little hints the writers drop in each episode. it's nice to know that the show will (hopefully) never "jump the shark" because the ending has already been written, and the show will end with season 6 in 2010. i just can't get over how smart the writers are for this show, some of the things they do are just mind bogglingly brilliant. do yourself a favor and go get season 1.

on a side note, why can't starbucks make a cup that doesn't dribble coffee all over my desk? every time i take a sip there is a new drip of coffee on my desk. obnoxious!

on another side note, 13 inches of snow is coming because DEREK SAID IT WOULD! i love snow, and 13 inches sounds like it's going to be enough to keep me snowed in. i'm excited for this! now if only ohio had "mountains" bigger than 600 feet i could actually have fun in this snow!

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