Friday, December 14, 2007

random thoughts

I'm bored. Right now I'm at the orthopedic doctor's office (blogging from the BlackBerry). I'm here because my shoulder sucks and is painful pretty much all the time. The Doc just told me I might have a torn tendon in my shoulder, so he's scheduling me for an arthrogram MRI. (I guess they're going to inject some dye into my shoulder to help find the tears) Fun! Whatever, I just want to get this thing fixed, hopefully by softball season!!

MLB releard the Mitchell Report yesterday. Nothing in it really surprised me, but for some reason it was still shocking to read that report. The most shocking name of all was Roger Clemens. I'd long suspected him of cheating, I mean just take a look at his career and the numbers he put up later in his career. Very similar to Bonds' career path. Anyway, this report just furthers my dislike for MLB. I think Bud Selig is a joke. And I don't understand how a company that makes $6 billion in 2006 can't come up with a reliable test for HGH and the like.

edit: I wrote the above on 12/14, didn't get around to posting until today. Whoops. I'll try to keep this updated for my fan(s).
edit again: I just got back from getting the MRI. That sucked. Well, the actual MRI didn't suck, but having needles shoved into my shoulder socket sucked a whoooole lot. In a couple days I'll finally find out what's wrong with my shoulder. I can't wait!

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