Wednesday, February 20, 2008


last week i finished three weeks of physical therapy where i made no progress, and probably regressed more than progressed. instead of scheduling more PT, they sent me back to the orthopedic doctor for an appointment, which i just got back from. i'm going to have an EMG nerve test done on my shoulder blade on march 3. i'm not really positive what the point of this test is, but i guess they need to test to do it before putting me under the knife. i guess all of this PT screwed up my shoulder blade, so now it's asymmetrical and moving in ways it shouldn't. it feels delightful, let me tell you. nothing like waking up at 4a.m. every night in throbbing pain. so pending the results, i'll be having arthroscopic surgery where, from what i understand, they'll insert anchors into my glenoid and then attach the labrum to the anchors. i'll be out of work for a week (yay), in a sling for a month (booooo), and away from softball/golf for 6 months (kill me now). SIX MONTHS! that's my entire summer. do you have any idea how badly i've been looking forward to softball?! and then there's golf, i think i've been more excited for golf than softball... this sucks A LOT.

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